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What You Need to Know About Dryer Maintenance
What You Need to Know About Dryer Maintenance
Dryer maintenance might seem like one of those things you can put on the backburner, but we’re here to tell you your dryer should never be neglected.
Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, or owner of a laundry business, you should know that your dryer requires maintenance and some occasional tender love and care. Why? You might wonder. Well, not only will a bit of maintenance go a long way when it comes to extending the lifetime of your dryers and giving your clothes the best chance of drying right the first time. But regular maintenance can also prevent dryer fires, which are a growing problem in America.
Proper Installation Is a Must
When it comes to your dryer, the best way to get the most out of it is to ensure it’s been installed correctly. Make sure to consult your manual to ensure that the power source, such as a gas line or electrical outlet, is connected correctly. You can also use a dryer vent kit to make the vent connection process an absolute breeze. Another essential part of installing your dryer is to ensure that it’s balanced perfectly so it won’t move or shake when you’re drying your clothes. If all else fails, you can always call in a professional to do this essential step for you.
Never Skip Cleaning the Lint Filter
This step might seem like a completely obvious step to keeping your dryer running well, but it’s always good to have a reminder! In fact, the leading cause of dryer fires is the failure to clean the dryer of dust, fiber, and lint. Since lint is highly flammable and can lead to reduced airflow, it poses a fire hazard that’s dangerous to your home or business.
Inspect and Clean the Vents Once a Year
Similar to the way a lint filter needs cleaning, so does your dryer vent. Cleaning out the ducts can be one of the essential steps when it comes to your regular dryer maintenance. While the lint filter is there to catch lint and dust, there’s quite a bit that can get through and get trapped in your vents, also posing a fire hazard. Whether you choose to clean your dryer vent yourself or hire some help, make sure it gets taken care of at least once a year.
Clean the Dryer Drum
You may forget that the dryer drum might need some cleaning to get rid of dust, lint, and even stains from residue. All you need is a damp microfiber cloth. If there are stains, you might consider diluting some rubbing alcohol in water and using the solution to dampen the cloth. All you have to do is unplug the dryer and give the drum a quick wipedown. It’s that simple! We suggest doing this about once a month.
Don’t Forget to Clean Behind the Dryer
Another area many people might forget to maintain is behind the dryer. Moisture, dirt, lint, pet hair, and more can accumulate behind and under the dryer, so make sure to break out your vacuum and a hose every few months to clean around the appliance.
Use Ziggurat Products for Your Dryer Maintenance
When it comes to your do-it-yourself dryer vent and dryer maintenance, there’s no better place to turn to than Ziggurat Products. We carry products that make dryer installations and maintenance more effortless than ever before. We ship nationwide in the United States and provide wholesaler pricing for businesses that partner with us. Contact us today with any questions you may have, and shop our online store today!
Dryer maintenance might seem like one of those things you can put on the backburner, but we’re here to tell you your dryer should never be neglected.
Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, or owner of a laundry business, you should know that your dryer requires maintenance and some occasional tender love and care. Why? You might wonder. Well, not only will a bit of maintenance go a long way when it comes to extending the lifetime of your dryers and giving your clothes the best chance of drying right the first time. But regular maintenance can also prevent dryer fires, which are a growing problem in America.
Proper Installation Is a Must
When it comes to your dryer, the best way to get the most out of it is to ensure it’s been installed correctly. Make sure to consult your manual to ensure that the power source, such as a gas line or electrical outlet, is connected correctly. You can also use a dryer vent kit to make the vent connection process an absolute breeze. Another essential part of installing your dryer is to ensure that it’s balanced perfectly so it won’t move or shake when you’re drying your clothes. If all else fails, you can always call in a professional to do this essential step for you.
Never Skip Cleaning the Lint Filter
This step might seem like a completely obvious step to keeping your dryer running well, but it’s always good to have a reminder! In fact, the leading cause of dryer fires is the failure to clean the dryer of dust, fiber, and lint. Since lint is highly flammable and can lead to reduced airflow, it poses a fire hazard that’s dangerous to your home or business.
Inspect and Clean the Vents Once a Year
Similar to the way a lint filter needs cleaning, so does your dryer vent. Cleaning out the ducts can be one of the essential steps when it comes to your regular dryer maintenance. While the lint filter is there to catch lint and dust, there’s quite a bit that can get through and get trapped in your vents, also posing a fire hazard. Whether you choose to clean your dryer vent yourself or hire some help, make sure it gets taken care of at least once a year.
Clean the Dryer Drum
You may forget that the dryer drum might need some cleaning to get rid of dust, lint, and even stains from residue. All you need is a damp microfiber cloth. If there are stains, you might consider diluting some rubbing alcohol in water and using the solution to dampen the cloth. All you have to do is unplug the dryer and give the drum a quick wipedown. It’s that simple! We suggest doing this about once a month.
Don’t Forget to Clean Behind the Dryer
Another area many people might forget to maintain is behind the dryer. Moisture, dirt, lint, pet hair, and more can accumulate behind and under the dryer, so make sure to break out your vacuum and a hose every few months to clean around the appliance.
Use Ziggurat Products for Your Dryer Maintenance
When it comes to your do-it-yourself dryer vent and dryer maintenance, there’s no better place to turn to than Ziggurat Products. We carry products that make dryer installations and maintenance more effortless than ever before. We ship nationwide in the United States and provide wholesaler pricing for businesses that partner with us. Contact us today with any questions you may have, and shop our online store today!